Monday, May 3, 2010

coffee coffee coffee

and I become so so happy. 

like this 

i hope life is as easy as it seems in the movie. 

simple and cute. 

but it is not sometimes. Whaaayyy???


[reality starts] 

Ah, I have to finish homework, i haven't done any of my chem homework and he's gonna give us a "quiz"
What should I write 4000 words for extended essay? 
I have to read this book called a Hero of Our Time tonight.
my teacher said the protagonist is kinda like Jack Sparrow, but not a pirate. 
that motivates me to read a little(maybe more).
Books other than love stories make me wanna go on computer. 
I  like the other actor too in the movie (can't spell his name too hard).
because I like the Lord of the Rings. 

I'm gonna get start doing my reading after I eat something. 


  1. crap.

    i forgot the hero of our time book at school

    = = ARGH

    i'm so stupiddddddddddd

    i like the picture! i haven't watched 500 days of summer yet, but everyone says its good so i might just do it online... :D illegally :D


    4000 words... sigh... i haven't even begun thinking bout my subject either D:

  2. ahh that was sad she gave us a quiz..

    hehe i'm not that into this movie, but i really like stuff they say:D
    me too..why did I choose BIO!?lol
    I don't really know what to do now, so i should probably go to library sometime after next week:(
