Saturday, May 1, 2010

same old songs

mimi made my new banner! I really appreciate it<3 
her blog has inspired me a lot. she writes really good stuff there. 
she also encouraged me to write this blog too.
thank you, mimi!! *hug* 

movies are really cool actually. we can experience anything in the movie. just like traveling.
movies are unrealistic sometimes, but if it gives me something to think about, it's all good.

true. somebody may have changed my world already.

not true. sometimes, good ones go to good ones. and bad ones go to bad ones. 
how do we know which one is bad or good? 
it's all about our choice/coincidence/timing.

sometimes, it's hard to choose which way I shall go.

                                                                   here except last one.

i'm gonna write some stuff. 


  1. I want to go to Hogwarts...

    I really wish I could do magic = = and fly on broomsticks and..... have fun... IB sucks, yeah.

    Thanks, my love :D hehehe and no probs. if you need a new banner, ask me, and i'll make another!!!

  2. I love your blog, its so lovely & I'm following you :)

  3. ♥Mimi
    haha yeah I want to go to Hogwarts too.
    you know there is this school in UK, they teach "magic" well..that's the school which we can learn how to be an illusionist.
    IB..after this, we should burn our notes and tests miserably!hehe
    oh thanks:D I really like your banner;)

  4. ¶ Michelle
    thank you! I'm following you too:]
